
Now Open Saturdays

In response to strong patient demand Clifton Hill Clinic will commence openingĀ on Saturdays. We will begin taking appointments on selected Saturday mornings from August 2018. Check out our online booking service Hotdoc or ring reception on 9489 6123. read more

RACGP Accreditation

We are very excited to announce that Clifton Hill Clinic has been Accredited and received a top A1 rating, the highest possible! The Clinic achieved this just one year after first opening it’s doors. Our patients can have confidence knowing that our practice has... read more

2017 Patient Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who recently participated in our patient experience survey. We are excited to share the results. 99% of responses about the Clinic’s services were either good, very good or excellent. Clifton Hill Clinic scored above the national benchmark... read more

Welcome Dr Gabryelle Nicholls

Dr Gabryelle Nicholls has begun practising with the Clifton Hill Clinic team! Dr Nicholls has a wealth of experience as a GP, including women’s and children’s health and general medicine. We are excited to welcome Dr Nicholls and she looks forward to... read more

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