Test and Investigation Results
If your doctor organises any medical tests it is important that you follow up the results.
The doctor will notify you during the consultation as to how best to do this. Ideally patients should make a review appointment to discuss the outcome of the tests one week after they have been performed.
However if your doctor has advised that a review appointment is not necessary, please ring our front desk reception to follow up the results one week later. Our reception staff or practice nurse will pass on any message your doctor has left for you. If the result is normal you will be told so. If there is something your doctor wishes to discuss, you will be offered a review appointment. Please be aware that reception and nursing staff are not able to explain or interpret the results. To ensure a high standard of medical care and properly address your healthcare needs, even normal test results often require a follow-up appointment. This is particularly important if you have ongoing symptoms.
In some cases our reception staff may phone you to pass on a message from your doctor. If any result needs urgent review, you will be notified of this as soon as possible. If you have questions about or wish to discuss your results, even if they are normal, we encourage you to make a review appointment.
In all cases it is important that if you have not heard from us, that you contact the Clinic regarding your results after one week. It is imperative that you follow up your results so as to be informed about your healthcare and to act as a double check to ensure that your result has been received, processed and seen by your doctor.
If you are at all unsure about how best to follow up your results, please contact reception on 9489 6123.